Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Did you know: Your Pit Bull may NOT be full blood?

Over the years, the Pit Bull is one of the most misread dogs, and American citizens don't know their Pit Bull may be a mutt! Read this to see if yours is full blood!
The dog above is obviously a full blood APBT, right? WRONG! The dog displayed above is a Razor Edge Pit Bull, or a FAKE Pit Bull! This dog is a mutt, that LOOKS like a Pit Bull! The Razor Edge Pit Bull is a mixture of a Mastiffs, Bulldogs, Boxers, American Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Neo Mastiffs,  Boston Terriers, and countless other breeds! Now, look at the dog again. Does it really look like a Pit Bull? Of course it does, but it's not. And we will tell you the reason why it's a mixture of breeds that look like a Pit Bull in just a second.
This dog looks like a meaty Pit Bull, doesn't it? But again, it's not! This is a Gotti Pit Bull, or, another FAKE. This dog is an innocent creature, the BREEDER is to blame! This Gotti Pit Bull is adorable, isn't it? But remember, it's not a full Pit Bull! Just a planned experiment that succeeded. Does your Pit Bull look like this? Or is it called a Gotti? It's not a Pit Bull. Just an innocent mutt.
THIS is the most recognizable fake Pit Bull, the Pocket Pit Bull! The Pocket Pit Bull is fake, because it only stands 1 foot high! It's short! The REAL American Pit Bull Terrier stands 14-30 inches! This Pit Bull is known to have a lifespan of 6-8 years. The APBT's lifespan is 12-14 years. Almost doubled!
This is a Southern Smoke Pit Bull, the least recognizable fake Pit Bull. There's really no description about this one. You may be thinking, "This is TOO a real Pit Bull! These people are lying!" But it's not. Again, it is a mixture of breeds that look like an APBT, but it is a mutt. And again, we are going to mention why people do this in a second.
And the last Pit Bull we are going to mention, the Low Rider Pit Bull. This Pit Bull is just like all the others, these dogs have a short life span, along with a shorter size, and some of these are recognizable to be fake. If your Pit Bull looks like any of these,(the color doesn't count) it is not full blood. And the reason why people mix these dogs, is to scam people thousands of dollars to pay for a fake Pit Bull.
The two dogs above are full blood American Pit Bull Terriers, not a mutt, not a mixture, but REAL Pit Bulls. The golden one on top is an adult, and the brown and white on the bottom is a puppy. If your Pit Bull looks like these, yours is a full blood. There are many more fake Pit Bull Breeds, but today we only mentioned a few. This topic is for people who have Pit Bulls, just to make sure yours is full blood.


  1. Thank you I've been trying to tell people for years the same thing as in this article . Dumb asses of today don't know what the pit was for . Dogs had a job along time ago . Now they lay on couch an wait for us to feed them . Dynamic has changed an now the dog has no job . No job big problem . No place to burn off energy. I could go on and on

  2. This dude is high for one a amrican pit bull tarrier is a mix to originally started with silk haird tarriers being mixed with outher bully breeds the only pure bloods are gottiline an such. Go talk to a vet...smh

    1. Are you stupid like the person who wrote everything above? Gotti is a mutt my friend do your search it's called american bully. All of those are american bullies except the last 2.. the last one I have no clue what that is but the one before it is the only apbt on this page

    2. Are you stupid like the person who wrote everything above? Gotti is a mutt my friend do your search it's called american bully. All of those are american bullies except the last 2.. the last one I have no clue what that is but the one before it is the only apbt on this page

  3. I agree with you Mr Unknown, A pit bull was a cross of bulldogs and terriers to produce game dogs for hunting and fighting and farm duties!!! So I don't know what he's talking about when he says mutt!

  4. I read your post, it really very nice explanation as well as great review like that. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

    Pit Bull

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. No, the article is absolutely right, and wrong to the anonymous poster who said the pitbull began with the silk haired terrier. The pitbull began with the original bulldog, the origin of which is so old we don't know of it's genesis. We do know that dogs of this type are as old as Rome and they are seen in the artwork of that time and place. The stories, that this breed was added, and that breed may have some truth in the instances of certain breeders of certain dogs but it is not true of the overall type. How do we know this? Because the same type is seen from Ireland all the way to Spain before these claimed admixtures were supposedly carried out in the UK in the mid 1800's. You will also see in the pictures of the old English bull & terrier, which was a mix of the original true bulldog, a dog that greatly resembles the true bulldog (apbt) today. As to the American bully, yes, they are a designer dog just created a handful of years ago and each has a different admixture of breeding in it, whether they have been accepted for registration by an organisation or not. The apbt is a true working dog full of athleticism, ability and heart and have hundreds of years of being bred to type for function not confirmation. A dog isn't a shiny gold chain to wear around your neck and in my opinion engineering a dog to be short and squat with an oversized head and a short lifespan so that you can have a function-less dog that looks a certain way is a damned sin against good dogs everywhere. People won't stop breeding these unhealthy, short lived designer dogs until there is no longer any money in breeding them. So get yourself an apbt from a reputable breeder and treat it right and you will have a great dog that will lay it's life down for you and you will never regret getting it for a single minute of it's long healthy life.

  7. Um gotti and razor edge are common lines in the AMERCIAN BULLY... only thing you were really correct about is the fack that they are NOT pit bulls.

  8. Too bad I can't post Charley's pic. She likes to run n cut turns. She makes these breakneck u-turns and loves to hear "good girl!" She goes nuts to please her humans [my wife especially] and get loves. She has a short to medium snout (not blunt with fathead) she is just over a year old and she stands 20.5" at the shoulder. And shes very protective of both my wife and our home/property. Excellent listener and very obedient. We just love the APBT breed. 💘
